时间/Date | 类型/Type | 题目/Topic | 讲者/Speaker | 单位/Institution | ||
12:10-12:40 | 企业专题会 |
ddPCR检测MSI对FFPE样本核酸片段化的耐受性研究 |
12:40-13:10 | 企业专题会 |
数字PCR在血液肿瘤中的应用进展 |
时间/Date | 类型/Type | 题目/Topic | 讲者/Speaker | 单位/Institution | ||
13:50-14:00 | 致辞 |
致辞 |
14:00-14:25 | 专题发言 |
Deconstructing Immune Mechanisms, Therapy Responses and Patient Outcomes by Highly Multiplexed Tissue Imaging |
14:25-14:50 | 专题发言 |
‘Th8' cells imprint suppressive microenvironment in glioma |
14:50-15:15 | 专题发言 |
Gastric Cancer in Germany |
15:15-15:40 | 专题发言 |
How does dopamine receptor DRD4 promote colorectal cancer metastasis |
15:40-16:05 | 专题发言 |
Diagnostic Molecular Pathology as Prerequisite for Precision Medicine |
16:05-16:30 | 专题发言 |
Identification of uncommon gene fusion partners and their correlation with targeted therapy efficacy in NSCLC |
时间/Date | 类型/Type | 题目/Topic | 讲者/Speaker | 单位/Institution | ||||||||
16:30-16:55 | 专题发言 |
Personalised therapy of sarcoma: Molecular diagnostics from the perspective of pathology |
16:55-17:20 | 专题发言 |
AI-empowered future pathology A practice of China-Japan Friendship Hospital |
17:20-17:45 | 专题发言 |
Leveraging Digital Pathology - Chances and Challenges |
17:45-18:10 | 讨论 |
中德青年病理学者圆桌讨论 |
18:10-18:20 | 总结 |
总结 |